
...curve balls....

Not everything goes the way we would like. Sometimes we make plans or have dreams, and sometimes things don't just happen the way we want them to. Life will sometimes throw us curve balls, and you just got to go with it. Everything happens for a reason.

As much as I would like to uproot myself from the ND prairie and get my feet wet in a new, warmer location, I am okay if it doesn't work out as planned. Everything happens, or doesn't happen, for a reason.

In a previous post, I had commented on how much I was ready to move out of this state and try something new. I might have made it seem as if I was truly unhappy here; that's not the case. I am just ready for change. Mostly to be done with school and just teaching. I still dream of moving to my dream location... and I still plan to apply for positions out of state... But, I have come to terms that not everything happens the way we would like. And that is okay.

Isn't it our well-being that matters the most in the long run? I mean, our social, emotional, and physical well-being. I can honestly say that I am the happiest I have been in probably a few years. I am doing what I love and loving what I am doing. That's what really matters.

If life throws you a curve ball...swing. Striking out is the worst that can happen!


Anonymous said...

Nice post! Thanks for the reminder as I head off to school myself. I better go get ready now. Have a good week!

Joe said...

Great attitude, although I must admit that I'm a bit disappointed that you are not moving to Vancouver. :-)

Jess said...

Your post was exactly what I needed to read today. I've been stressing out about soooo much stuff with school and everything and the ever approaching graduation and in reality I just need to roll with things more often. Maybe if I made more time to fit runs in I'd be less stressed out.

Larissa said...

Swinging always works better than ducking! Said from experience.

Great post! Keep swinging!

Wes said...

Yea, you'll do good :-)

Anonymous said...

I know that if I would have gotten everything in life when I wanted it, I would not be where I am today. Looks like you are doing very well, and your future looks bright...

Bob - BlogMYruns.com said...

Good attitude ... life is all about curve balls, and how we react will determine our future!

also keep your dreams alive about moving if that is what you want to do, I pondered for about 10 years to move from NJ to FL and finally did it 4 years ago and I love it down here and probably could have done it sooner.

Have a good week


MNFirefly said...

My philosophy: Go with the flow.

miss petite america said...

this post sounds very cryptic to me for some reason...i must be really dense....

Mendy said...

Everything will work out for the best for you. Just keep your head up and things will fall into place. Good luck to you! I like what Phoenix said.

J~Mom said...

Hey I thought I commented here...must not have shown..weird. Anyway, wanted you to know I hope everything is ok!!

Come check out my blog for the pics I promised you! :>)

John said...

Hello TW,
I thought I'd start saying hello to the bloggers I've been reading for the last few months. You are the 2nd one. I got on to your blog from Annette's "Running Again" blog.

I really enjoy reading your blog. I've been in a funk the last month or so and your blog has helped to keep me from totally sabotaging my personal goal of losing weight.

Thanks for your posts and take care,

Pat said...

Come on down to Arizona. We need good teachers and are opening new schools left and right.

Arizona, USA

Unknown said...

Keep swinging!!

JeffM said...

Maybe it'll be a hanging curve ball and you can send it out of the park! Home is where you are- right?

Ms Eva said...

all smiles - nice post :)

Jess said...

Out of state always seems especially appealing in the midst of winter; once spring rounds the corner, you might be inclined to stick closer to home!

Deb said...

Great post... you will be at 'home' where ever you land! It's an exciting time all the way around. ;)