

I went to the gym tonight with all intentions of lifting, running, and spinning. And ladies and gentlemen, that is what I did.

I arrived at the gym shortly after 4pm and did a little lifting. I wanted to have enough time to get on the treadmill for 40 minute before grabbing a spin card at 5:15. I only did a few machines before I headed for the thrillmill. It's amazing how time consuming lifting can be, especially when you try to do 3 reps of what-ever. In 40 minutes on the thrillmill I was able to pound out 3.65 miles.... an average pace of 10:57.

From there, I finished just in time to grab a spin card before they ran out (there are only 20 bikes, and usually more "spinners" than available bikes). On the way up to the spin room, I scarfed down a packet of orange jelly beans...the energy ones! Yummy. Love those things..

I hopped on the bike, only to find a different instructor than usual. Won...der...ful... We had a video rolling but didn't follow it... we just went along with the tempo of most the songs ... I was thunderstruck... .. We did this cool thing when listening to the song thunderstruck. We started at zero resistence, and every time we heard the word thunder, we had to turn up our resistence. Crazy! The key here is to do very little increments, very little! All in all, the word thunder was said 34 times! After that, we did some more speed intervals. 4 times he had us sprint at a cadence of 100 for 30 seconds with 15 seconds recovery in between. On the fifth one, he had us go for a minute at a cadence of at least 100. All 5 times, I had my cadence at 125...again! It felt so good to finish strong. 12 miles... and done.

After spinning, I still had a little in me so I hit up a few more weight machines. Then I grabbed a strawberry/banana smoothie from The Well and went home to cook a nice dinner of pasta and chicken! What an awesome 2 hour workout! Couldn't have been better!

Tomorrow's friday... which means jeans day... which means the weekend is here... which means more fun with college hoops (my Tarheels play friday night, yeah!!)....which means time for fun with some RT's as well!.... ahhh!

Happy running, y'all! Have a wonderful weekend!


Wes said...

Have a nice weekend! Wonderful workout. Way to rock it, girlfriend!!

Jess said...

Whoooo what a rockin' workout you got in! I am so pumped for you! That must have felt awesome!

Have an awesome weekend watching your Tar Heels

Joe said...

THUNDER! Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

I love running to that song!

Jess said...

Geez, you really work hard -- way harder than I.

JeffM said...

Great workout!! Count the weights as swimming and you did more than a sprint tri!
btw- I love the 3-d effect in your last post.

Anonymous said...

What a workout! Wow!

I had to smile at your comment on Friday being "jeans day." As a fellow teacher, I can relate. What is it about a pair of jeans that makes the day feel easier? :)

Keep kicking butt on those workouts!

Anne said...

Wow, we had a similar strategy in college, only you drank at each mention. Then, eventually, you got the spins. Maybe we should have done very little increments.

Anonymous said...

Great job on the workout.