
Month in Review

First and foremost, the bachelorette party in the cities was fun! We all met up in downtown MSP and spent the evening at Matty B's... I highly recommend it. It was ladies night and after 10, drinks were only $2.25, which is cheap, for the cities. I had one expensive martini and then stuck with vodka cranberrie's the rest of the evening. Ahhh ... except for one large shot of tequila! My cousin - the bachelorette - was given the shot of Tequila by the DJ, but couldn't take it, so I offered to take it for her so it didn't go to waste... I am so nice ... . .. looking out for the best interest of others ... taking one for the team!

I know that I won't be getting a chance to run today, as it is my last monday night of class...from 4-9. So, it is okay for me to post my April stats before April is over. Go with me on this one, people.

April Stats:

  • 36.37 miles running ... .... .. not as nice as my March stats (47.14), but still better than February's (26.775 mi). But, this is all completely legit, as I was struggling to finish big projects for school, apply for jobs, and move out of my apartment. I must say, that I was quite happy with a couple longer runs in there.
  • 35.10 miles of spinning ... . . ... still not as nice as the months before and won't be very pretty the month of may. There is only 2 weeks left of spin classes, and as the weather is getting nicer, I have absolutely-no-drive to go to the gym when I can be outside.

When I look back on my March Stats, I was hoping to get some longer runs in, as I did. I hope to keep that up the month of May, with some more shorter runs during the week. I might have to pull my bike out of my storage unit and use it. I am so pumped ... ... I only have 12 days until graduation! 12 days people!

Tomorrow marks my 1 year Blog-iversary! How exciting. It's amazing to look back and see how far I have come, what I have accomplished. One year ago today, I started blogging to document my running, hoping to help myself stay on top of it and persevere. I was running before, but not as much or as often. I still haven't done a Half Marathon, but hope to this summer or early fall if all works out! I think I could be ready for one in June, but the weekends are just jam-packed up through the 16th of June.

Happy running, y'all! Get out there and run a few for me today!


miss petite america said...

12 days!!!!

how exciting!!!!

Neese said...

How bout a half in October, in sunny Greenville, SC? :) Happy Blogiversary, early...and yeeeah only 12 more days of school!!

Jess said...

Whooo hoo 12 days! It's so close!

And I love the idea of tracking miles over the course of a month. I think I might give it a try for May. I don't have a Garmin, but I know the mileage of my routes pretty well. I feel it will be a great motivator!

And Happy Blogiversary! I just celebrated mine not too long ago.

Steve Stenzel said...

Great April!

Good luck in May!

Joe said...

You set the example for work-hard, play-hard and train-hard, that's for sure.

Randy - Maniac #788 said...

You've still had a busy busy April. How about a Half in October in Durango, CO? My brother and I will be running there this year.
I did it!!!! I ran my first Half yesterday (2:46:40). I was a little achy afterwards but managed to not hurt anything and no blisters. My left heel and leg did not bother me. The weather was great.
I goofed up my Garmin during the race so I got good data for the first hour, and the last hour but lost over 40 minutes worth of data when I accidently turned it off trying to switch from one screen to another, silly me.


Wes said...

Twelve days! Woo hoo! All I know is if you decide to do a half mary anywhere close to where I am, I might see that as a challenge :-)

MNFirefly said...

Great April!

Deb said...

Great stats and happy aniversary! Keep it going.

Unknown said...

happy 1 year blog anniversary!!

i hope to get a half in this year also...i'm looking at september, myself. My longest run to date has been 8.5 miles and getting past that seems almost impossible...but i'm sure with time, I can do it....and you can too (and probably sooner!!)

Simlin said...

Happy 1 year Anniversary!

JeffM said...

Great stats and with all you've got going. Happy blogiversary and good luck in 12 days!

keith said...

Heckuva job you're doing! You are really a hard worker!

Laufenweg said...

omg you floor me! i could not keep up with you at the bar or out there running. :-)

Ms Eva said...

Just 12 Days?! err 11 (since I'm commenting a day after you posted). How exciting!

Happy 'blog' anniversary! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary! I hope the job hunting is going well and the projects for school are getting done.

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