

Yes! I just said BOOOYAAA!!

But you would if you were me! I finally just got up the guts to check my grades from summer school, and after I tell you why I was afraid to, you will understand why I am soooo excited!

So, I took 7 courses this summer...in a 9 week period. Yep. Well, my one class, crisis intervention, that was only a week long (that being the first week of summer school), we had this take home final. ...

2 scenarios...and we had to basically tell what we would do based on what we learned from the class. ... .

well, we had atleast 2 weeks to complete it and put it in her box...

..did that...

...and mind you I never do a half-ass job on any of my assignments for T&L....

..from there, she finally returned them to us...

.... 7 weeks later...

...I had so much writing (and coffee stains) on those 5 pages that you would have thought I was an idiot!... I thought I was going to puke...

*turn page*

"Watch your sentence structures." .. .. 15/25 ---->60%


Turn a few more pages... 12/25 --->48%


Overall ---> 54% ON MY FINAL!!!

I was mad. So mad. I wanted to cry. I figured that this would bring my grade down to atleast a B...What the heck! I thought I knew what I was talking about.. There was so much writing on my paper, but NOTHING that told me what I did wrong! GRRR...

So, as you can see, this is why I was afraid to check my grades...but I got over it and had to find out...



I am so excited! This calls for a drink!...sometime...in..the..near...future... hmmm...


Anonymous said...

Nine classes - you are crazy.
But what a great outcome.

MNFirefly said...

WOW!! I would be MAD when I saw that exam grade. But I guess I am not the only one who got straight A's this semester.

Taunya said...

That is one nutty Summer schedule. All A's too?? Congrats!

Simlin said...

Must be all that hard work and running paying off...they say it increases your brain power.

cdoc said...

One thing I learned in college that sometimes it doesn't matter what grade you get on your final because you can still end up with good grades, that happened to me so many times. I think it depends on how much weight the teacher puts on the final, and honestly, how much they like you. Great job on the A's!

Jess said...

whooooo hoooo congrats on your A's!!!!

teacherwoman said...

Cdoc - this final was 25% of our grade, that being if I got 100% on everything else that was graded, I still should have gotten a B in that class. Oh well. I will not complain now!

Neese said...

girl, if i was there i'd take ya out and we'd have margaritas or something fun like that, whatever you want, on me! :) congratulations!

SRR said...

Good JOB!!!!

Blaine and Steph said...

Awesome job Stace!!! That's damn impressive for how much you had going on in such a short time. You're my favorite little grad student : ) I will give you a gold star when you get home!