
Restful Wednesday

Last night was my rest night. We went out for dinner for a "going away" party for one of the teachers. It was very nice, and a lot of teachers showed up for it. I didn't get home until shortly after 9pm. I got ready for bed, and looked over some of my old training logs while I watched the end of the Twins game. It was kind of interesting to see what I was doing this time of year a year ago.

The picture below was taken while my Sis and I were driving back to GF on sunday evening. We got lot of rain this past weekend and there was this beautiful rainbow. We could see both sides, but the middle was covered by the clouds. At one point there were two rainbows. Very nice. We couldn't find the pot of gold ... or skittles either.

Tonight, I hope to go for an easy jog and get to bed early. I didn't sleep well last night and was up for good around 515 this morning.

Happy running, y'all! The weekend is almost here, and it's almost time to party!


Wes said...

What? You don't party all the time? LOL. Life IS a party!!!

Jess said...

Those dang leprechauns always elude me as well -- I guess you've got to surprise them.

Marcy said...

Party? What the heck is that? LOL! Ahhhhhh how I long for those carefree days (sometimes hehe) Great pic!!

Scott McMurtrey said...

thanks for stopping by my site. hope you don't mind if i put yours on my list. i'll be making sure your ticker keeps moving to the right!

keep running!

Anonymous said...

Hello thanks for visiting my site as well, yours looks pretty neat as well. I'll enjoy coming back seeing how you are doing.

JeffM said...

Ilove to look back over the log sometimes- shows how you've improved.
From your last post- maybe carry a small hand bottle if it's hot out?

CewTwo said...

Geez. It sounds like a skipping record! (Record? What is a record?) But, here goes!

Thanks for visiting my blog! I appreciate the visit. I will link my humble blog to your rather exciting one!

Did I mention that I run my first 5K race on Saturday morning?


J~Mom said...

That's a great pic! Sorry the gold was missing. :>)

Randy - Maniac #788 said...

I've been close enough to a number of rainbows to think that the person, I hesitate to say guy, that took the gold must have been a marathon runner from ages ago. They are long gone with all the spoils and all they leave us with is the beauty of the sight before our eyes and we often forget about the gold anyway....at least I do. Glad you remembered to grab the camera and get a pic.....

Unknown said...

No pot of gold? No skittles? Any Green clovers, blue diamonds, yellow moons, etc??

Mendy said...

Nice pic you took! Have a wonderful weekend!

akshaye said...

what an incredible picture... sounds like you had a great week! and yes.. i like u2... they hit the sweet spot somewhere between adrenalized and serene... perfect for running right?

Neese said...

is there beer cold yet? :)

MNFirefly said...

Beautiful rainbow.

Anonymous said...

Love your countdown to the end of the school year! :) I have to admit, I'm a little jealous. I'm not even counting days yet. I have 6 weeks to go.

Sorry you couldn't find the Skittles. :)

Donald said...

Speaking of skittles - what's with all the different color type? Are you trying to burn all of my cones equally?

Nice rainbow. Enjoy the weekend.

Joe said...

Nice rainbow.

Randy - Maniac #788 said...

Wooohooo, are you out having another beer? Are you coasting these last 11 days or so? Has the partying started? Did you fall in the river? Oh, I know you are on job interviews? We are all excited about your graduation though, are you going to wear your running garb under your graduation gown?

Deb said...

You ARE the party girl!

John said...

Is that rainbow curved or is it an.....just kidding :-) Hope you had a great weekend. Nice pic.

Anonymous said...

I hope you had a good weekend with minimal rain.

John said...

Here's a reason you might not have found any skittles..... http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/capress/oddity_stolen_skittles