
101 Things about ME

  1. I am a beginning runner...very beginning
  2. never ran in High School..nor college...
  3. I have my BA in Science with a degree in Elementary Education
  4. Currently going back to school to receive my Masters in Special Education
  5. My title will be Special Education Strategist...I think it has a nice ring..
  6. The harder the challege at work, the more I like my job
  7. as long as it is student related
  8. I dislike working with lazy teachers
  9. some people call me a work-aholic
  10. since college, I have always had more than one job
  11. sometimes 3
  12. My past jobs include college student, office clerk for campus traffic division (or my family would call me the traffic nazi), sales associate/sales lead for a beauty product store, server in a bar, paraeducator, and teacher of special needs.
  13. two of those jobs I shared with one of my sisters, whom I live with currently, whom I have the same phone as (with the number being only one-digit different).
  14. We're alike...but we're also different..
  15. I have TWO younger sisters
  16. we're all alike, but very different from each other as well
  17. I get more done when I have more TO GET DONE
  18. My down fall is potato chips and coca-cola
  19. ...and peanut m&m's
  20. If I am hungry...you will know it..I tend to get crabby...or edgy
  21. The only coffee I drink is frozen coffee drinks
  22. like my Grande Mocha Frappicino Light
  23. I usually only drink coffee when with friends or family...it's not an addiction
  24. I like Spinning about as much if not more than running (right now)
  25. I don't always like the stairstepper...but I like th jello-y feeling in my legs afterwards
  26. I have come to the realization that I can't run (successfully) without my nano or my water bottle.
  27. Unless I am running with someone
  28. One of my favorite shows is American Idol
  29. I am still upset for those who voted off Chris Daughtry, but...I will get over it
  30. I also love all the crime investigating shows, especially Law and Order SVU
  31. I would rather listen to music then watch tv
  32. any kind of music
  33. especially jazz, blues, oldies for relaxation
  34. I love my hip hop, trance, disco music for running
  35. I love curling up with a good book
  36. a good love story, memior, or biography
  37. especially on rainy, snowy, gloomy days
  38. I don't get how some people don't enjoy reading as a pass time or hobby
  39. I get along better with guys
  40. Girls cause too much drama
  41. and they tend to hold grudges
  42. don't get me wrong...I still love my close girlfriends
  43. I would choose hanging out with friends at a house (grillin', drinkin', laughin') over hanging out at the bar
  44. I do like the bars scene every once and a while
  45. I have the tendency to take guys' caps...after having a few drinks..
  46. I love to watch College Basketball...NBA comes in a close second
  47. Go Tarheels!
  48. watching golf on tv can make me fall asleep
  49. I love to watch movies, but I tend to fall asleep during them...any of them...
  50. Just don't make me watch one after 8pm
  51. I am also ready for bed by 9pm...with my book
  52. I am a morning person
  53. I would rather work out at 5am than 5pm
  54. Some ask me if my hair is naturally curly...I tell them yes becuase it has been since 6th grade...after my first perm.
  55. sometimes I wish I had straight hair...sometimes I would like to just shave my head
  56. I am trying to grow my hair out for Locks of Love
  57. I don't think I will have the patience to wait
  58. I don't have as much patience as I should
  59. Some wonder how I can work with kids...let alone kids with learning disabilities
  60. I hate being late for anything
  61. The only time I was late for school in my entire education career was in 9th grade summer school.
  62. I had the alarm set for PM not AM...and parents we're home to wake me.
  63. I enjoy being shorter...than the average female...
  64. I don't care for wearing make-up
  65. I do...but don't like it.
  66. I look forward to sundays, since I usually don't work then...
  67. then I go without make-up
  68. I would rather wear shorts, t-shirts and flip-flops or tennies than dressy clothes
  69. so much more comfortable...isn't that what life is about?
  70. I want to do some hiking
  71. and back packing
  72. and camping
  73. not alone though
  74. I have only lived in one State
  75. North Dakota
  76. The beautiful, endless prairie .... The Badlands sweeping across the west, the hills and valleys, and the ferocious wind on the east.
  77. I love see the change in seasons ...summer, fall, winter, winter, winter, spring...
  78. I could definitely see myself moving to another state....
  79. atleast for a while
  80. But I still really do love ND...
  81. I can't go anywhere without my cell phone....
  82. even though I don't get many calls
  83. If someone would do the grocery shopping..
  84. I would cook a decent meal every night of the week
  85. If someone would clean my bathroom
  86. I would do their laundry AND vaccuum
  87. I have to have a glass of water by my bed every night.
  88. It can't be from the night before
  89. It must be fresh, cold water
  90. Even though I probably only take one sip and fall asleep
  91. I sleep in the middle of my bed and have to fall asleep with the tv on...unless I am really tired
  92. I would rather have any kind of doctor appointment than go the dentist
  93. I have never broken a bone or had stitches...knock on wood
  94. I want a dog of my own
  95. Probably a big one .... but I do love the little ones too
  96. I want to travel Europe someday
  97. hopefully the summer of 2007
  98. Maybe I will travel by myself on a Contiki Tour
  99. Especially Germay, I heard it's gorgeous there
  100. I hope to have atleast one great travel experience a year
  101. When I retire, I hope to travel the rest of the world that I haven't seen by then.


Anonymous said...

Great list. I am starting my masters program in education this summer and am focusing on special education as well.

Anne said...

I agree with Rob. I feel like you're a long lost sister -- so much in common. Potato chips and Coke are my downfall too. And I've always juggled numerous jobs...and I used to teach. Etc. Etc. Unfortunately, I don't live in a multiseason city, but I can wish....

Joe said...

24. I like Spinning about as much if not more than running (right now)

Ya, but as far as I know, there are no spinning races.

33. especially jazz, blues, oldies for relaxation

Go John Coltrane!

47. Go Tarheels!

Go Blue Devils!

48. watching golf on tv can make me fall asleep

Me too. Golf sucks.

68. I would rather wear shorts, t-shirts and flip-flops or tennies than dressy clothes

Indeed! Who was the sadist who invented neck ties and high heels?

80. But I still really do love ND...

Do people there really talk like the characters from the movie Fargo?

90. Even though I probably only take one sip and fall asleep

Have you ever accidentally spilled that glass of water in the middle of the night?

92. I would rather have any kind of doctor appointment than go the dentist

Err, what about the butt doctor?

teacherwoman said...

Joe ~ Just to answer a few of your questions....

Yes, some people in North Dakota do talk like the people in Fargo. But I think it is the older Norwegians on the eastern part of the state. There are Minnesotans who talk the same way.

You're right. There are no Spinning races.

I like most of the NCAA teams...except for DUKE...yuck..

Never spilled the glass of water in the middle of the night. My night stand (er...filing cabinet) is a good foot away...

And I will have to admit...you did find a doctor that I wouldn't want to go to instead of the dentist...ouch..

Brooke said...

I was so mad when Chris Daughtry got voted off.

I have to have water by my bedside too, I never drink mine either.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is a list. I can't believe the fam didn't get a mention, we are such a HUGE part of your life!
I too hope to be able to take a trip once a year (once I land a job.) I still need to see much a mainland Europe, but also would love to see parts of Asia and so many other parts of the world.
Wouldn't that be fun (or funny) to take a Kautzman's European Vacation, we could top the Griswalds! 'Look kids, there's Big Ben'...(but would need to keep England to a min)

ShoreTurtle said...

Great job on the list.

Charlie said...


I like your list...I like the picture of winter...I love winters that look like that...but only for one season.

Tarheels? ND? ...must be their baby blue uniforms! ;o) I like UCLA...they use to have baby blue uniforms...but then, I'm originally from CA long long time ago...now in VA...I see VA Bch RnR half marathon in your blog as a possiblity...there is beer at the end! ;o) I'll be running it.
