I have been tagged by Neese, so here goes.
A-Available or Single? Definitely Single
B-Best Friend? Hmm... probably my sista sista
C-Cake or Pie? Cake, chocolate
D-Drink of choice? Red Beer
E- Essential Item? computer
F-Favorite color? yellow
G-Gummi Bears or worms? Bears
H-Hometown? Bismarck, ND!
I-Indulgence? chocolate of all kinds
J-January or February? January
K-Kids & names? No kids...just the one's I teach, which is enough right now!
L-Life is incomplete without? friendship and love
M-Marriage Date? N/A
N-Number of siblings? 2 sisters, both younger
O-Oranges or Apples? Oranges, if their ripe
P-Phobias/Fears? Meetings with "hard-to-work-with" parents
Q-Favorite Quote? In the midst of a hard time, stop, and remind yourself how thankful you are. It's these hard times that prepare us for something better to follow."
R-Reason to smile? I'm alive and making the most of my life while enjoying it all!
S-Season? Fall
T-Tag three people: Brooke, A.Maria, and Jess
U-Unknown fact about me: I'm obsessed with being on-time/early for everything. See below.
V-Veggie I hate: cooked couliflour (sp?)
W-Worst Habit? setting 2 alarms and checking them multiple times before falling asleep. I have a fear of oversleeping which therefore could make me late, which I am never late unless it is due to someone else.
X-X-rays you've had? Don't ever remember having x-rays. I have never broken a bone!
Y-Your favorite food? Shoup Noodla...mmm
Z-Zodiac? Sagitarrius
Today I took a REST day, since I did not rest on my scheduled rest day (Friday). According to my schedule, today was supposed to be a 5 mile run, but I wanted to wait one more day before I got back on the treadmill. Tomorrow, I hope to get to the gym by 530 to do a nice 3 mile run since I have class in the evening. If I get there in the morning, I will still plan to follow my schedule and do some stretching and strengthing at home after class!
Here's to a wonderful week ahead of us all!